MVC in Computer Science The MVC Model

29/12/2022by sami0

Once the view generates the HTML, that HTML is sent to the client over the network who initially made the request. In this article, I am going to give you a brief Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC Framework. The ASP.NET Core framework is growing in popularity among developers and is also anticipated to continue to do so. On the .NET platform, ASP.NET is a well-known web development framework for constructing web applications. ASP.NET Core MVC is a robust framework for building online programs and APIs using the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern. As part of this article, we are going to discuss the following pointers.

mvc programmer

So for example, our shopping list could have input forms and buttons that allow us to add or delete items. These actions require the model to be updated, so the input is sent to the controller, which then manipulates the model as appropriate, which then sends updated data to the view. The Controller is that part of the application that handles the user interaction. The controller interprets the mouse and keyboard inputs from the user, informing model and the view to change as appropriate.

So what’s in the next lab?

Lot of developers think that ASP.NET is different and MVC is different. Languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are often used to implement this part. The frameworks that use MVC are Angular, Express, Django, Flask, Laravel, Ruby on rails, and others. Examples of programming languages that use MVC are C, C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Smalltalk, and many more. Some frameworks even force you to use MVC, so you might have been using MVC without realizing you’re using it.

mvc programmer

So, you need to remember that MVC is a Design Pattern, and ASP.NET Core MVC is the Framework based on MVC Design Pattern. In our example, we use the Student class to hold the student data in memory. The StudentBusinessLayer class is used to manage the student data, i.e., going to perform the CRUD operation, Validate the Student data, etc. All we want is a list of the name, quantity and price of each item we need to buy this week.

Popular MVC web frameworks

The controller receives such user output, translates it into the appropriate messages and pass these messages on .to one or more of the views. The view effectively provides the user interface element of the application. It’ll render data from the model into a form that is suitable for the user interface. As you can see in the example, the Student Controller creates the Student object within the Details action method. To fetch the Student data from the database, the controller uses the StudentBusinessLayer class. The MVC (Model-View-Controller) Design Pattern was introduced in the 1970s, dividing an application into 3 major components.

  • With ASP.NET Core MVC, you have complete control over the HTML you generate.
  • MVC architecture is divided in to three sections model, view and controller.
  • Nowadays, MVC is one of the most frequently used industry-standard web development frameworks to create scalable and extensible projects.
  • So, it processes requests like GET, POST, PUT or PATCH, and DELETE.

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